The Joy of Cycling

I like cycling. I can do it for many hours – and still enjoy it. I am not sure what exactly is the attraction.

It could be the pace, not too slow (as in walking) but not too fast either (as in driving), so I have the time to enjoy the variety of scenery and places I travel through..

It could be the fresh air and the exercise – working up a sweat does not sound like fun, but there is the satisfaction of achievement when finishing the course and it is well known that after some significant effort the body starts to produce endorphin, which in turn does give you a sort of a ‘high’.

It could be the solitude and the ‘me and my thoughts alone’. I don’t actually remember much about what I am thinking about, but as I do not listen to music or anything (too dangerous), I keep myself entertained by singing and meditating on whatever comes to mind.

It could be the significant health benefit from getting much stronger legs, a good cardiovuscular workout and even some weight loss. I could have probably lost even more if I did not feel that I have ‘earned’ the right to gulp down a chocolate cake by cycling 200Km…

So I like it. My original target was to be able to finish the LEL in July 2009. LEL stands for London – Edinburgh – London. It’s a 1400km Endurance Cycling Event happening in July 2009. Sadly, for many reasons explained in a separate post, I abandoned after 600Km. So now I am looking forward to tackle the most famous long distance ride Paris Brest Paris in 2011. This 1200Km ride in 90 hours or less is more gruelling than LEL (average speed is faster) and the sheer number of participants (about 5000) mean that you must be really well organised to make it on time. So – Paris here I come!

So this site is all about me and cycling. In addition to the blog I intend to have pages dedicated to specific elements of cycling and cycling gear. Hope you will enjoy it!

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